Dr. Leif Schröder
phone +49 30 94793 121
🖂 lschroeder(at)
Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie im Forschungsverbund
Berlin e.V. (FMP)
Campus Berlin-Buch
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 94793 - 100
+49 30 94793 - 109 (Fax)
🖂 info(at)
Our group is participating in two book projects by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Please check [here] for advanced informartion on the Xe NMR book. Information on the CEST book will be posted soon or can be found [here].
HFSP Program Grant awarded to a collaboration with the Shapiro lab at Caltech [More]
CEST performance of pumpkin-shaped Xe hosts as cover story in Chemical Science [More]
Latest progress report on xenon MRI published by European Hospital. [English][Deutsch]
Xenon biosensor research mentioned as one of the highlights at WMIC 2014. [More]
SmashCEST imaging results published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. selected as 'hot paper' and honored with Gorter award. [Paper] [Gorter Award] [press release]
Our lab becomes ambassador for the "Brain City" campaign. [More]
Short feature on about our lab (in German) [English] [Deutsch]
Molecular Imaging