Liposomal scaffolds as xenon biosensors
M. Dathe, FMP
Cartilage-target biosensors
V. Martos, M. Nazaré, FMP
BBB-directed biosensors
A. Piontek, FMP
Hyper-CEST of bacterial gas vesicles
M. Shapiro, Caltech
Switchable CEST sensors
G. Westmeyer, TU München
Xenon hosts with accelerated exchange kinetics
Y. Cohen, U of Tel Aviv
Cucurbit[n]urils as xenon hosts
A. Hennig, JU Bremen
NMR spectroscopy of metal-organic cages
V.-V. Telkki, U of Oulu
Targeted scaffolds for cryptophane cages
C. Hackenberger, FMP
Phospholipid membrane pore formation with DeLTA spectroscopy
S. Lange, FMP; C. Freund, FU Berlin