Dr. Leif Schröder

phone +49 30 94793 121
🖂  lschroeder(at)
Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie im Forschungsverbund
Berlin e.V. (FMP)

Campus Berlin-Buch
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 94793 - 100
+49 30 94793 - 109 (Fax)
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Advanced Hyper-CEST Encoding
Molecular Imaging
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) with hyperpolarized nuclei allows sensitive magnetic resonance detection of xenon biosensors. However, the classical approach is time consuming when the spectral dimension for the detection of various sensor signals should be conserved.

Our lab has developed the first fast Hyper-CEST encoding using gradients along one spatial dimension to "burn" the z-spectrum information into the projection profile of the sample containing the Hyper-CEST agent. Combined with the smashCEST approach from imaging, this method allows to encode a whole spectrum with a single Xe delivery.

Watch this [video] to time-resolved CEST spectroscopy at work.